At the end of 2022, I participated in Elise Arsenault’s Dream Big, Plan Smart Challenge, and was inspired by one of the exercises, which has been on my mind since December when the challenge took place. We were to think about how we want to feel in the future, using specific, descriptive words. Mine were Secure, Cozy, Excited, and Content. When I get stressed, I come back to these words. How can I get to a place where I can feel these emotions? I’ve been using them to help motivate myself to do various things in my life, relating to work goals, as well as exercise and general well-being.
Do I want to feel cozy right now? I can grab a cup of tea and a blanket and do some work on my computer on the couch, or I can even put the words “cozy yoga” in a youtube search and find a dozen videos to exercise with.
Or maybe I need some excitement in my life. Planning a mini vacation or a day outing can send me on this path. If the outing involves a lot of walking or hiking, even better! If I don’t have any time off scheduled in the near future, I can still spice up my day by taking my laptop to a cafe and trying a new food or drink while I do admin work.
Many of us tend to think that everyone wants the same thing: to be happy. But there are a lot of different ways to achieve this, and one person’s happiness is someone else’s misery. This is made clear by glancing at someone else’s Netflix lineup or checking out their “To Be Read” list. Some people are into light, sweet, Hallmark-channel stories, while others spend their time reading Steven King novels. Clearly we humans have our own unique desires, and we delight in a variety of emotions. This can be extended into a person’s goals, which can be tweaked by deciding how one wants to feel. The key is to put yourself in that place regardless of whether you have achieved that goal. It makes the process much more pleasant, and the goal much easier to manifest!
To find about more about Elise Arsenault’s Dream Big Plan Smart challenge, check out
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Rebecca H. Lee,
Audiobook Narrator
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