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Some people quit doing their hobbies for fun when they start getting paid to do them. I had this problem in my past life as a dancer. I’ve been narrating audiobooks for over ten years now though, and I still manage to read a book or so per week during my free time. Here’s how I do it and how you can too:

#1 Get a library card and Libby or Hoopla app

Depending on your public library, and whether they use Libby or Hoopla, you may have a small or large selection of e-books and audiobooks. Without getting into the details, you might have a wide variety of digital titles available on demand, or you may have to reserve a book in advance. To some people it may seem like a problem to have to read a book within the three weeks allotted for library loans, or to have to wait until the book becomes available for checkout, but I’ve found it to be a great incentive to start and finish a book, not just before the due date, but before my next hold becomes available. The key is to reserve a book and forget it. It’s fun to get a surprise notification on your phone saying that a book you reserved two months ago is now available. It’s like receiving a gift from your past self!

#2 Take advantage of free audiobook and e-book app trials

My library uses Libby (Overdrive) and I have a short list of titles that for some reason or another aren’t available at the library, or in the Overdrive catalogue. This means that my library couldn’t get them if they wanted to. I have a couple of other apps (Chirp and Audible), and if I’m between library books, I go to these apps, which let you download a book for permanent use. Most of the apps give you a free credit the first time you sign up, and some even give you a free month subscription to entice you to return if you have canceled your membership. (What? Who would do that?) 

#3 Set aside a designated reading time in your daily schedule

Whether you like to look at text or listen to audio, having a habit of reading at the same time every day will make it more likely that you read daily. I listen to audiobooks while I’m cooking, cleaning, and eating alone. I’m a pretty active person and have a hard time sitting still to read,  but for work, I have to pre-read every manuscript I narrate, so I do that right after breakfast of lunch, when I’m digesting and don’t want to do anything active. I also rigged up a “walking desk” with a treadmill and shelving unit, so I can read during my morning walk, which is especially helpful in ensuring that I also get in my daily steps! 

A few other tricks that you might find useful are… 

-Using the “whispersync” function on Amazon to switch from e-book to audiobook whenever you want

-Signing up for the Chirp Daily Deals email list for audiobooks at

-Joining a silent book club in your town, where you can read the book of your choice in a cafe, usually with socialization time at the beginning and end of each session

Thanks for reading!

Rebecca H. Lee

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Rebecca H. Lee

American Audiobook Narrator from Seattle